Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Blog moved

Assalam o alaikum...I have moved the blog from blogspot to Wordpress...and u can find me

Hope to c u there, fi aman illah

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sewing project

As Salam o alaikum..well this is a little project that I had been working in for a long time and subhan Allah it is complete is a frock style shirt with plates on top part... Sewing is one of my really fun hobbies that I used to do a lot before the kids..and am starting to persue it more now.. It really gives me a pleasure to work on something and then put on the outcome and believe me u do save a lot of cloth this way rather then giving it to the tailor as we do in pakiland but m sure if I was there I would be doing it too it is much more less time consuming...but we'll I used to see there too as I said I really love anything that allows me to be creative..I don't have a particular pattern for this one..but will try to post a pattern next time. Up next the project is to sew a shalwar qamees for my little fairy doll, hoping m able to finish it by eid ul adha which is two days away..

Monday, October 22, 2012

Finding the right path part 2

Being a parent, what we first think of when we are raising our kids is, how to make them a practicing Muslim and to give them good education. When we moved to NYC, I rally started googling all sorts of stuff, because I did not have the two set of mothers there all the time to tell me what to do when there was some difficulty. Raising kids in Pakistan is whole lotta different then raising them here believe me..small stuff like talking to your kids gently and politely all the time although it is still difficult for me to control my self at times but I really have changed myself  in this regard as I used to be a very short tempered person back before marriage. Lots of sorry to ammi as she was the only one who went through all of those silly ramblings and fights. 

But back to the subject, my journey in finding the right path has led me to the point where homeschooling my son looks like the bestest  option to me, not only homeschooling but unschooling to be precise. My diet has changed considerably since I gained a lotta weight (wish I could be like the people who can eat anything and stay smart) lol but then again what I said we are not thankful to Allah for what he give us. Although he chose me to move away from family, but he gave me so much more in return, I m a different person now and striving to become a better person insha Allah. Focusing more on my kids and really trying to eliminate geebat (backbiting) from my innate. Allah give me the guts to say no to a person when they start telling you bad things about someone and you can't stop them.

My blog insha Allah will help me stay on the right path only if the people who read it are there lol which I m not so sure of rite now. Subhan Allah I m pretty new to the computer world, knowing nothing about the blog world, considering I could not even post a picture with one of my posts, lol I know it's unbelievable. But google is there rite ;) 
 So well this blog will be all about my homeschooling experiences, sewing clothes, gardening which I  am totally new to, any kind if help is appreciated . :) and lots of other stuff that comes to my mind insha Allah also about new healthy recipes that I try insha Allah.

So there I have officially started blogging yeaahhhhhh 

Have a wonderful eid everybody

Finding the right path

As salam o alaikum.
Allah sure puts us through all kinds of tests, to make us stronger then before. To stand for yourself more, and to do the right deeds. It is when you go through all of the difficult times only then the world opens up more to you.
We came to USA bout three years back, and just moved to Oklahoma 2 months back, before we were living in ny. Well obviously it's a big change of places, but hopefully we will be adjusting more soon as we start getting involved more with community here.
Moving from Pakistan to USA was a big transition that sure required a lot of time. But we'll we did have a good time in newyork, but life is different from there to here. One of my first cousins live in newyork, but due to being long distances, we could not spend much time together. But Allah helped us a lot and we always found good people along the way. Hubby is a doctor and finishing his residency in newyork. Although it was really difficult to take are of a 8 month old without any family around to support you, but alhamdolillah, all is well in the end
But all through those three years, there were many times when we missed our family a lot. Although we visited them once during that time, but it was a really short span of 15 days.
Now moving in Oklahoma, life is good Masha Allah but these days, I really miss my family. Although I m a pretty friendly person but have a really hard time initiating friendships with anybody, and staying here in the house the whole day since I don't have my driving liscence drives me crazy at times. So unthankful we human beings are, aren't we?...Allah blessed me with such a beautiful house here, two lovely kids and such a good husband, he sure is. And instead of thanking Allah for all these wonderful things in world we carry on about the few hardships he gives us. So from today onwards insha Allah,I will try my most to utilize these precious moments of being home. It's not that I want to work or anything, but I sure do want to be able to take my kids to some recreational places and meet friends or go to masjid when hubby is not around.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

welcoming myself to the blogging world

assalam o alaikum...well i really m a little nervous about writing this post..butterflies in my stomach :) although i know that insha Allah it will prove to be a good source for me to share my thoughts and homeschooling experience..yes that is right..after lots of thought into it, I am decided upon it..only if Allah wills. Montessori has been on my mind since may be a year, and now that I am trying to implement it more, I am hoping that it will be benifitial for our family and espacially our kids ofcourse. Being a mum of two blessings, I am more than thankful to Allah to give these precious gifts of him to me. And i make dua to Allah that i am able to raise them the islamic way and make them good practicing muslims. I guess that is enough for now..jazak Allah for taking your time out and reading it